What we do

What we do

To support our work, we offer Education Services, with all profits being used to fund our work with teachers in government schools.

Education Services

We provide teacher focused services for a variety of clients across all aspects of teacher support, such as professional development, teacher management systems, pre-service, gender, climate change education, inclusion, teachers in crisis settings, and retention, with our team having extensive expertise and experience in all areas concerning teachers and teaching and learning.

We offer education consultancy services in all areas of education. We have dozens of consultants on our database, who are the best proven Education development consultants across Africa with hundreds of years’ experience in all thematic areas of Education and international development, as well as monitoring and evaluation, project management, research, training, and facilitation.

For each assignment, we choose the most suitable and experienced consultants and provide ongoing quality assurance. Therefore, we can guarantee the highest quality service and products.

Mentoring programme: To ensure ongoing development of inexperienced national consultants we have a mentoring programme, which all our consultants are required to provide during assignments, if the client is supportive. During an assignment, the consultant(s) will mentor a trainee consultant who we identify as having considerable potential to provide high quality Education consultancy services in the future.

Supporting teachers

We work with Ministries of Education and partners to support teachers’ transformation into Power Teachers. We use proven best teaching practices and motivation focused teachers support strategies. The teachers we work with become power teachers

Power Teachers for Learning Model

We have begun work with the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) Uganda. We are currently developing a low-cost administration light mobile phone based incentive and professional development App, which we will use to incentivise teachers intrinsically and financially:

  • to teach all their classes every day,
  • to improve learning outcomes, and
  • to complete professional development activities.
The technology tools will develop teachers’ capacities to use evidence based teaching practices that improve learning outcomes, as well as motivate them to teach all their classes effectively. Once the App has been developed, refined and finalised, we will use the Power Teachers model to work with the headteachers and all the teachers in selected government schools, as well as district inspectors and in-service teacher educators.